If you have been following my journey for awhile, you will know that journaling is a practice that has completely transformed my life. Doing it almost daily for three years, has given me a lot of opportunity to understand how to get the most out of journaling. To me its meditative, reflective and most importantly healing. When the words are on the page, they are no longer occupying energy in your mind. Or those words that you write may be the words of wisdom that you need written, words that you can constantly refer back to and learn from. And when you understand how powerfully transformative it can be – it becomes a non-negotiable in your life. This is when the true potency of the practice emerges. I have analysed journaling into two levels – journaling that accesses your mind and journaling that accesses your soul. 

Both are necessary and play a crucial role into getting the most out of journaling. Today all you need to know is that these two realms of journaling exist. Then, focus on this one mindset shift when journaling – There should be no judgement. From you. Yes, that’s right no judgement from you about yourself. This is the biggest shift you need if you are to truly tap into the effectiveness of both these realms of journaling.

Judgment restricts and limits what emerges, reducing the potency of what could’ve been a transformative journaling session. Remember there is no right or wrong when you are exploring your truth.

So, grab your journal, sit down, breathe in for four counts, breathe slowly out for four counts or more and as you breathe out tell yourself that you are ready to release what needs to be released. Surrender to the present moment. Repeat it until you feel your mind become quieter and more focused. Then start writing – don’t edit, write what comes up for you without judging it as you write it.


The Power of The Vital Force by Rajshree Patel

I can safely say this book changed my life. The mindset shifts were huge and I strive to practice them daily.

 You can learn about tapping into your highest energy source, your vital force. You learn how to amplify your physical, emotional and cognitive functions in order to optimize your vital force. 

The key? A life of non-resistance.

What you resist persists, and what you accept flows. When you invite life instead of pushing it away, your life starts to work for you, rather than against you.” – Rajshree Patel

Go on a journey of figuring out how to invite life rather than resist it.

“What is happening in our lives out there in the world is an expression of what’s going on in here (internal beliefs).” – Rajshree Patel

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

I am currently reading this and it is helping me step out of my mind and become an observer of it instead. The clarity and peace that arises when I can enter this state is extraordinary. Here are some of my favourite takeaways and thoughts to ponder.

“What could be more insane than to oppose life itself which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say yes to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.” – Eckhart Tolle

“As long as you are unable to access the power of Now, every emotional pain that you experience leaves behind a residue of pain that lives on in you.” – Eckhart Tolle

The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inner psychic pollution: millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space.” – Eckhart Tolle

Other Great Reads

The Happiest Man On Earth – Eddie Jaku

Healing Through Words – Rupi Kaur (Journal)


The ones that hit deep.

ON PURPOSE by Jay Shetty

Humble the Poet ON: How to Get Out of Your Own Way to Find Love & Breaking Society’s Common Myths About Relationships

  • Voluntarily doing hard things prepares us when hard things find us.
  • Society teaches us how to avoid discomfort – We need to learn to be comfortable with discomfort.
  • When someone shares their pain and you instantly share a solution, it was because their pain triggered your pain and you want to shut that pain down.

You can listen to this episode here.

DEAR GABBY by Gabrielle Bernstein

3 Steps to Financial Abundance!

  • Shifts to attract financial abundance.
  • When you believe there is not enough to go around you are telling yourself that your capacity to be abundant is by something outside yourself.
  • You don’t attract from a place of perceived lack – you attract from a place of abundance.
  • People are no better or worse for having money or not having money – it does not define a person’s worth.

You can listen to this episode here.


As I delve into the world of art therapy, I’m sharing my key insights with you.

Why art therapy?

Art can trigger unknown aspects of our psyche.

We are analysing the consciousness and the unconsciousness.

What can it do for me?

It can bring self-awareness to something that is important to you. Something you may not have realised or explored deeply.

Self-understanding is crucial if we want to achieve our goals and live a life in tune with our authentic self.

You can read more about it in my article How to Trigger Unknown Aspects of your Psyche’ on Medium.

Complete the exercise and let me know how you went!

Here are some links to my other articles on Medium plus a couple of my favourite ones from other authors!

Aren’t We All Like Flowers? Beautiful and wild, yet at the complete mercy of all that surrounds us.

I Want to Be Like the Wind How do we tame the spirit of something so wild and free?

60 seconds to Higher Consciousness by Deepak Chopra

The perfect artwork to remind you that heaven within is possible:


If heaven is within me, each step I take would be blissful. If heaven is within me there would be no space for fear to exist. If heaven is within me, my mind would be still, unobstructed and limitless. If heaven is within me, the beauty and the lesson in every moment, every exchange, every word would not go unnoticed. And if heaven is within me, I would have the power to wield a magnitude of love into the world and watch as it multiplies and becomes an unstoppable force. I would no longer be searching for contentment, and in not searching, there would be no home for defilements, and in creating no defilements, my infinite self would be allowed to emerge, and in letting my infinite self emerge, you would be free, released from any entanglements that I had previously knotted between us. In severing our ties, you and I would both be one step closer to being harmoniously in tune with the force of true love and one step closer to heaven within.

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